When the Spirit Speaks: My Battle with Change
Have you ever loved something so much that it made you crazy? Perhaps not in the sense of being deranged, but out of your mind. Maybe even literally?
I was a teacher. A song-singing, esteem-building, dataanalyzing teacher. I poured everything I had into my chosen profession, and I reaped the benefits. Being with my students gave me energy, and that energy fueled more creative ways to reach them. Throughout my eleven years as an educator, that never changed.
That never changed.
The legislation changed. The standards changed. My schools changed. I changed states.
There was always change.
So, I taught my students to be lifelong learners and conditioned myself to do the same. Each time change reintroduced itself, I embraced it. After all, it was an opportunity to learn something new.
Then one day, the turns of each change left me emotionally entangled and sobbing on my classroom floor. In that moment, my personal expectations of motherhood became the bricks that weighed on my chest, while each task at work built the walls that enclosed me. The safety net that I crafted from tenacity, perseverance, and flexibility crumbled. And there I was, drowning in obligation and sinking in a pit of change.
How did I get here? How could this be happening to me? Was I dreaming?
As I stand in the gift of hindsight, I now realize that I should have seen it coming. My behavior patterns were shifting around the same time I experienced my meltdown. My attention to detail and passion to engage in critical dialogue were no longer a match for the endless emails and piles of grading. The internal struggle was overwhelming. My duties and my desires were set against each other on a pendulum.
As if the inundating tasks were not enough, I had been feeling an overwhelming pull to return to a school with students who were not afforded the advantages of my current ones. A place where parents were not always able to provide support in traditional ways. I applied for a transfer, and the timing could not have been more perfectly aligned. A new school had positions available. A new school whose heart and veins pumped Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. The principal made it clear that if I accepted the position, I would be accepting my students as they were and would teach to their needs and interests. It was as if God himself had given me that nudge in order to prepare me for this opportunity, and I took it.
The principal made it clear that if I accepted the position, I would be accepting my students as they were and would teach to their needs and interests. Was I dreaming?
I learned so much during my investigations with my new students and colleagues. The rigorous instruction I learned to deliver from my previous school was a North Star that guided my work with my new students, while the responsive teaching of my current school laid the foundation that bridged a pathway for my students’ success.
My situation and hardships remained, but the novelty of my environment and the professional learning sustained me. The bricks that weighed me became a boulder of support and a new string underpinned the tattered ones.
But the contentment did not last long.
Around the same time that I wept in silence, I was accepted into leadership training programs with my district and the state department. Apart from emphasizing the importance of leading from one’s current position, the sessions opened my eyes to other entities of the educational system beyond what was visible each school day. My love for mentoring also bloomed as I welcomed preservice teachers into my classroom and mentored new colleagues. I blindly relished in these opportunities, filling a missing void. But the void was replaced with dissonance as the training sessions and mentoring seemed counterproductive to my self-proclaimed calling as an elementary school teacher.
I wanted to do more. I needed to do more.
I must admit. I was intrigued. Was God guiding me down a new path — something different than the one I chose? If this was indeed the case, I ignored the signs again. That was not a change that I was ready to accept. My students needed me.
My students needed me. In my mind, I had to be the one delivering instruction and building efficacy. The students who were placed in my class were assigned to me with purpose. I couldn’t fathom passing the baton to someone else.
Yet in my eleventh year of teaching, the walls closed in even closer. The tears I once cried morphed into a sea of paralyzing anxiety, engulfing much of the motivation and joy that I relied on to fuel me. I couldn’t repeat the cycle another year. I knew in my heart that it was time to leave.
I can only remember the peace that came with the decision, but in this moment a trail of tears traces my face as I relive the memory. I loved teaching. But at some point, I had to ask myself, “Did teaching love me back?”
I loved teaching. But at some point, I had to ask myself, “Did teaching love me back?”
My passion for students and public education was unwavering, but for the sake of my sanity the role I played had to change. The skills I acquired during this most challenging period in my career ended up being exactly what I needed to propel me into my next phase as an educator. The impact of the change was nearly instantaneous. The walls crumbled, and the bricks became feathers.
In the spring of 2019, I accepted a position as a literacy-based instructional coach in Richland School District One. It was love at first sight. The marriage of two worlds that I had grown to absolutely love merged as one harmonious balance between leadership and coaching. I listened to my spirit and have been in a constant state of awe at the results.
Changing positions led to my professional learning experiences with the Center for Teacher Quality (CTQ), and CTQ’s partnership with the University of South Carolina’s Center for Educational Partnerships has led to this moment: me sharing my story. Not a story that is complete, but a story that is whole. A story that is intertwined with various support systems and relevant to a purpose and plan designed for me. The changes and the frustrations were all necessary learning posts that served as decision guides and contentment crushers. The culturally relevant philosophies that I learned were not only critical for my scholars, but they were also the crux of self-awareness that I needed to acknowledge my own personal changes. I developed another layer of identity; one suitable for the growth within.
Being a teacher is a rewarding experience. The depth of service, the connections made with every life touched, and the personal growth experienced is unmatched to any other profession. Yet, receiving these benefits is contingent upon our ability to sustain the journey. That sustenance may come from the camaraderie you’ve formed with colleagues or the refreshing new beginnings that come with each school year.
However, when the constantly changing conditions are no longer sustained by what has previously motivated you, something has to change. That change can be supplemental, substitutable, or eliminatory. Supplemental changes are tweaks that you make to add to your systems of support. Substitutable changes replace counterintuitive activities or activities that hinder personal goals or growth, while eliminatory changes remove them altogether.
Self-awareness is integral in determining when changes must occur since tolerance varies between individuals. If self-awareness is something you’re still working toward, try asking yourself the following questions to help get you started:
- Which of my actions are helping me reach my personal or professional goals?
- Do I speak more from a negative lens or a positive one?
- What changes have I had to face in the last week, month, or year?
Here’s the key: Continue asking yourself why after each response until your response reveals clarity and transformation.
I wish I would have known then what I know now. Change is a pathway for our journey. Respect it. Embrace it. Yes, there will be grief and mourning of at least an idea that we’ve nourished, so take the time to celebrate what once was, but don’t stay there. Instead, listen to your inner voice, be aware of little things that feel like strands of coincidence, and be amazed when your purpose-driven identity reveals itself.
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Matherine Dixon
Matherine Dixon has been an educator for thirteen years and currently serves as a Literacy Coach in Columbia, South Carolina. With the ambition to close the academic achievement gap in marginalized communities as her motivation, Mat
Why Comfortable is a Four-Letter Word
“Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” John Lewis (2020)
I had no idea that attending a conference in 2019 would cause so much “good” trouble.
As a fairly shy person in crowds, I felt a new freedom being around so many people wearing the same nametag. This shared comradery made it easy to speak with complete strangers and provided a sense of security. So, while speaking with a group of attendees I mentioned I was with The University of South Carolina’s (UofSC) Professional Development Schools Network. The group told me one of their friends had accepted a position with the UofSC, and I felt comfortable inviting this stranger to have coffee with me when she moved to Columbia. Rarely do people take messages back to others from casual encounters, and rarely do complete strangers take you up on an offer to have coffee.
This one did, and my days of being fairly comfortable with my world came to an end. This was the beginning of my “good” trouble.
Meeting this complete stranger and forming an instant friendship with her led to a discussion about my abandoned doctoral work. She inspired me to go back to work on my doctoral degree and offered to become my dissertation chair. Working with my new doctoral chair required a different academic focus and structure to my daily life. It meant returning to class and moving away from my comfortable beliefs. As an adult learner, I generally find the classroom to be a comfortable environment where it is easy to form new relationships. We may come from different places and life experiences, but in class, we come together to learn and focus on a shared subject.
But the course “Seminar in Instruction & Teacher Education” became one of the least comfortable spaces I have ever encountered.
It is where I learned about institutionalized racism, and how as an educator, I was involved.
But the course “Seminar in Instruction & Teacher Education” became one of the least comfortable spaces I have ever encountered. It is where I learned about institutionalized racism, and how as an educator, I was involved.
This class resulted in zero comfort and was one of the wildest emotional rides ever. The class demographics included a white female professor, two of my black female colleagues from our school district, one black male, and another white female who had a black husband and son who joined our discussions. There were also two white males — me and a much younger man. These nine people took away my comfort, and I love them for doing it.
Throughout the course we focused on understanding why students of color do not succeed at the same rates as white students and how white supremacy and colonialist perspectives are overrepresented in schools. It became apparent that most of my classmates believed that I was a product of white privilege and not hard work.
I was hurt and confused.
I went home after the first three hours and told my wife that I had made a serious mistake and felt attacked. I discussed dropping the course and telling my new dissertation chair that I had reconsidered. I was unable to comprehend that I could be part of something so insidious.
To make things worse, my church was entering a time of reflection of racist practices called “Gracism,” and I had been invited by our new African American minister to be a part of the initial conversation. If I declined this opportunity, I would be turning my back on more than one person who believed that I may have something different to offer.
Still, I could not wrap my head around the thought that I could be considered racist.
But a memory of my father changed my mind. He used the word “privileged” to describe white people 40 years ago. He tried to explain the idea to me then, but I was a new teacher with a new wife and had other things to worry about. I needed to continue my privileged and very comfortable life. I was not unlike other white folks cited in an article from the Pew Research Center indicating that only 53% of white people think that the United States still has work to do to make equity real in our country, and 38% feel as if no more changes are needed.
My father was wise enough to know that he needed to listen to and consider others’ opinions and ideas. He welcomed being challenged and often used his wide understanding of different topics to challenge my brother and me during supper. The “discussions” were often spirited, flustered my mother, made small children cry, and ran off more than one of my brother’s girlfriends. We continued until we had exhausted the topic, had dessert, and retired to the den to enjoy the rest of the evening. Now, years have gone by, and my father is no longer here to bring further enlightenment. But the memory caused me to see what an opportunity I would be throwing away if I walked away.
I remembered what uncomfortable felt like and knew I could do it again.
I persevered through the doctoral program and engaged in deep work through the church. I believe that my understanding has grown enough to make me a beginning “anti-racist.” I can hear the word “racist” without becoming angry, even if it is being used to describe me. Instead of walking away from a conversation, I seek to understand and then ask for help in learning how to change or explain myself when misunderstood.
This is why I believe comfortable can be a four-letter word. When we are comfortable, we tend to leave things alone. We can say, “That’s not my problem,” or “America gives everyone the same opportunity.” Words that allow us to remain aloof, disconnected, and uninvolved.
Our staff is engaged in ongoing work to become trauma-informed. We are also taking the energy and empathy developed in that process to focus on dismantling institutionalized racism in our school. I hope that by understanding the trauma that racism causes, our staff will find new energy for the work and the reflection necessary to have this difficult conversation.
This is why I believe comfortable can be a four-letter word. When we are comfortable, we tend to leave things alone. We can say, “That’s not my problem,” or “America gives everyone the same opportunity.”
Words that allow us to remain aloof, disconnected, and uninvolved.
Comfort can lead to being complacent.
I plan to make a few folks uncomfortable with the hope that we can provide an environment where their resilience will sustain their interest and cause them to seek to understand how they can take action to diminish the effects of racism in our schools. Are you comfortable? We should not be while any type of racism exists.
We are teachers. We are used to being uncomfortable. Look for ways you can personally change your approach to be more culturally relevant, inclusive, and actively anti-racist. Start a hard conversation in a safe space, be open to new ideas about institutionalized racism, take your new understanding, and make a difference.
Get into some good trouble.
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Roy Blakeney
Roy Blakeney is an Assistant Principal at Dreher High School in Richland County School District One in Columbia, South Carolina. He is responsible for recruiting and developing teachers, mentoring new faculty, maintaining teacher certification, and evaluation of faculty. He has served as the Professional Development School administrator in the University of South Carolina’s partnership since 2002.
Finding a New Lens: How Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Shifted My Practice
An atom is an atom. A cell is a cell. The tides follow the path of the moon. Gravity pulls objects toward the earth. There’s no culture involved. Right? Well, maybe.
Let me set the scene. Fall of 2017, there I was, 40 years old, 18 years of teaching high school science under my belt, and in my first semester of the doctoral program in Teaching and Learning at UofSC. I saw a flyer for a symposium topic that I didn’t know much about, but I thought it would provide a chance to network with others.
Little did I know that this experience that would set the path for my doctoral program and change how I viewed the world.
I sat down and Dr. Gloria Boutte introduced Dr. Lamar Johnson, a professor from Michigan State University. Dr. Johnson started presenting about the responsibility of teachers to ensure that Black students have the chance to connect with their culture and be seen and heard within the context of their learning. I listened to all the creativity the other participants shared.
Everything sounded amazing. The possibilities seemed endless for ELA, social studies, and the arts — but science? I mean, it doesn’t matter what culture someone is from, an atom is still an atom, and a cell is still a cell, right?
So, with complete confidence I declared, “But I teach science. It’s facts and objective observations. This doesn’t fit in my class.”
With care and tact, Dr. Johnson asked me, “But who does the research? Who gets the funding? And for what reason?” Also, he asked did I know that race isn’t even biological?
Hold up! What?
The symposium continued with other people sharing and asking questions, but I’m not sure I heard much after that. I said my goodbyes, thanked Dr. Johnson, and walked to the parking lot. I got in my car and headed home. My mind was reeling; I had so much to think about. I was buzzing with possibilities and feeling disoriented. How had I missed this? How did I not recognize that everything we teach is pretty much from only one perspective? This short, twohour encounter would create a crack in my awareness that I would seek to break wide open over the next several years. It would ultimately be the greatest influence impacting my classroom instruction and set the path for my dissertation work. This encounter completely changed not only how I view the classroom, but the world.
Monday morning after the symposium I walked into my school, and although it was the same classroom it had been for years, with the same students I had known for months, it felt different. I looked at the faces looking back at me. I had always prided myself on knowing my students and on being compassionate and understanding. But could I truly know them if I didn’t understand their experiences? Could I truly understand who they were if I didn’t know the first thing about their culture?
How had I missed this? How did I not recognize that everything we teach is pretty much from only one perspective? This short, two-hour encounter would create a crack in my awareness that I would seek to break wide open over the next several years.
Dr. Johnson’s voice sat on my shoulder (just like in the cartoons), nagging at me as I taught. I heard inner doubts nudging me to consider what I presented and question whether it was the best way or the only way. I heard suggestions to consider other scientists and perspectives worthy of study. As registration for the next semester approached, I signed up for courses on Educating African American Students and Critical Race Theory. And I started seeing the underlying presence of race in almost every aspect of American life. This shift has given purpose to my doctoral research: how do students connect science to issues of social justice? And it’s given me a relevant and inclusive focus for my classroom instruction. room — we acknowledge the voices and perspectives of others. I also relinquish control where possible to follow their lead. When a student asked why people with fatal disorders continue to have children, we did a study of eugenics in the United States from the perspective of inheritance traits. Instead of just studying the molecules within our food, we connect the nutritional values to food deserts. Rather than studying the development along beaches, we study the cultures who depend on them: like the Gullah peoples of the Southeast. Instead of learning that James Watson is one half of the duo credited with discovering the structure of DNA, we critically analyze not only his nefarious theft of the work of Rosalind Franklin but also his blatantly racist public comments. When studying and modeling how DNA samples can be compared, we connect this content to the important work of the Innocence Project. This shift has given purpose to my doctoral research: how do students connect science to issues of social justice? And it’s given me a relevant and inclusive focus for my classroom instruction. And what about you, fellow teacher? Has your district offered PD in culturally relevant teaching? What perspectives are taught in your class? Whose culture is represented? Whose is missing? Need a place to get started or ready to learn more? Check out the resources at Learning for Justice where you can find lesson plans for all subjects and grade levels. What will you do?
I was hooked!
I was also confused as to why, after 18 years in the classroom, I had never heard anything about culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP).
Enter CEEAAS: The Center for Education and Equity of African American Students.
The annual conference for Equity in Education was my first opportunity to network and learn what other teachers were doing in their classrooms surrounding CRP. What could I do as a science teacher? My mission became clear: teach science framed around social justice.
I started adjusting my lessons, adding perspectives, and paying more attention. I included the usual references to Black and Latinx scientific contributions, but we went further and deeper. My students studied not only the coastal ecosystems but how they would be managed from an Indigenous perspective had colonization not stolen their lands. We studied genetic inheritance and critically analyzed the use of traits like skin color and hair color as signifiers of race. And my students? They responded with variations of, “We never talk about stuff like this in other classes.” Kids who were quiet started perking up. They started bringing examples from their lives, past experiences, and personal observations to science class.
Now, I approach my classes from a place of learning as well as teaching. I ask my students who they are and learn about their experiences. I ask their parents who their children are to get to know them better. I tailor my lessons around the people who are in the room. By tapping into the experiences and expertise of my students — as well as the people who aren’t in the room — we acknowledge the voices and perspectives of others. I also relinquish control where possible to follow their lead. When a student asked why people with fatal disorders continue to have children, we did a study of eugenics in the United States from the perspective of inheritance traits.
This shift has given purpose to my doctoral research: how do students connect science to issues of social justice? And it’s given me a relevant and inclusive focus for my classroom instruction.
Instead of just studying the molecules within our food, we connect the nutritional values to food deserts. Rather than studying the development along beaches, we study the cultures who depend on them: like the Gullah peoples of the Southeast. Instead of learning that James Watson is one half of the duo credited with discovering the structure of DNA, we critically analyze not only his nefarious theft of the work of Rosalind Franklin but also his blatantly racist public comments. When studying and modeling how DNA samples can be compared, we connect this content to the important work of the Innocence Project.
This shift has given purpose to my doctoral research: how do students connect science to issues of social justice? And it’s given me a relevant and inclusive focus for my classroom instruction.
And what about you, fellow teacher? Has your district offered PD in culturally relevant teaching?
What perspectives are taught in your class? Whose culture is represented? Whose is missing?
Need a place to get started or ready to learn more? Check out the resources at Learning for Justice where you can find lesson plans for all subjects and grade levels.
What will you do?
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Stephanie Bailey
Stephanie Bailey has taught secondary science for 21 years. She was a 2017 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching finalist for South Carolina. She is currently working on her dissertation focused on using social justice issues to frame scientific instruction with high school students. You can follow her on Twitter @SBaileyinSC.
Honoring Teacher Voice as Professional Development: A Democratic Imperative
Educators who are learning at every degree level, including pre- and in-service teachers, are often required to explore their professional voice through a plethora of methods courses stemming from various curriculum paradigms. One of the most powerful concepts covered in many of these courses comes from the qualitative research tradition of narrative inquiry that asks practitioners to first examine their personal perceptions as a means of understanding classrooms as educational spaces designed to promote and instill democracy. It is certainly in these learning environments that novice education students who are growing into teachers and experienced teachers who are growing into leaders grasp the power of narrative, their verbal and written perspectives, to profoundly drive educational outcomes. The teacher voice is consistently cited as one of the most meaningful contributors to impactful professional development that effectively addresses the contemporary goals of educational institutions (Hammersley-Fletcher, Clarke & McManus, 2018; Haug & Mork, 2021; Liefshitz, 2020). With teacher voice being a fundamental component of democracy, it is fitting that written teacher narratives, their perspectives through their stories, are featured in Education in a Democracy as professional development work supported by the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER). The teacher narratives included in this special issue support the four pillars intended to advance democracy in education and embody the mission of NNER to:
- Provide access to knowledge for all children (“equity and excellence”);
- Educate the young for thoughtful participation in a social and political democracy (“enculturation”);
- Base teaching on knowledge of the subjects taught, established principles of learning, and sensitivity to the unique potential of learners (“nurturing pedagogy”); and
- Take responsibility for improving the conditions for learning in P-12 schools, institutions of higher education and communities. (“stewardship”) (Goodlad, 1994).
With teacher voice being a fundamental component of democracy, it is fitting that written teacher narratives, their perspectives through their stories, are featured in Education in a Democracy as professional development work supported by the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER).
Furthermore, NNER’s recent partnership with the National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation (NCCPEP) helps to affirm a common purpose centered on highlighting the pedagogical expertise of educators via their “voices as the best advocates for our nation’s children . . . unapologetically and boldly” (NCCPEP, n.p., 2021). These timely teacher narratives highlight six teacher voices as they critically examine their professional practices and their greater purpose as educators. This collection of teacher narratives articulates the clarity that comes from an exploration of one’s experience and the acceptance of multiple perspectives as an essential aspect of professional development in teacher education. These manifestations of teacher voice describe a process that drives teachers to achieve equity and excellence in the classroom; to pursue learning opportunities that challenge their various positionalities; to design curricula that are culturally relevant and nurture all students to understand systemic oppression; and to adopt a stance of responsibility to challenge those identified policies and procedures that replicate oppression and deny democracy in education.
Teachers Expressing Equity and Excellence
Many practicing educators reluctantly acknowledge that they are unprepared to effectively teach for equity and excellence and even more hesitantly admit that they are not aware of the manifold ways that systemic oppression is present in policies and practices that govern their teaching. Teacher narrative offered our featured educators a space to work through these realizations and confidently explore their limitations and more importantly, their growth as educators working for democracy. Recognizing limitations in teacher practice is the first step to addressing strategies for growth. When Jessie Guest, Program Manager of the Carolina Transition to Teaching Residency Program, noticed “a teacher that wasn’t listening with her eyes and missed Jacob’s desire to learn, a teacher who is doing the best she can but lacking tools of awareness and an understanding of how to see this particular child” she recognized the inherent lack of equity in the teacher’s response to this student and the inability of the student to achieve excellence under the given classroom circumstances. In response to instances like this, she and her colleagues created a dual-purpose social-emotional learning professional development series aimed at self reflection. This self-introspection was designed to clearly have teachers examine their practices and to “[learn] to see the impact of getting to know their students — to see their students with more than their eyes.”
Touching on the first pillar of advancing democracy by providing access to all children, Assistant Principal Roy Blakeney painstakingly deconstructed the discomfort he experienced by uncovering his eyes to institutional racism in his narrative when he stated, “I was unable to comprehend that I could be part of something so insidious.” Finding his father’s voice as the seed that planted his discomfort, Roy accepted the opportunities to “make a few folks uncomfortable with the hope that we can . . . cause them to seek to understand how they can take action to diminish the effects of racism in our schools.” These teachers overtly adopted a stance of responsibility to effectively address embedded inequities that crush the culture of democracy upon which every act of education should be built.
Statements of Social Enculturation for Democracy
Realizing that she was functioning with blinders on after almost two decades in the profession, secondary science teacher, Stephanie Bailey, “started seeing the underlying presence of race in almost every aspect of American life” which made her further “confused as to why, after 18 years in the classroom, I had never heard anything about culturally relevant pedagogy.” Her lifealtering professional development experience removed the veil and enabled her to see the ways in which many educational practices and policies are antithetical to the intended goals of education for democracy. She also began to shift the culture of her class to support democracy by “approach[ing] my classes from a place of learning as well as teaching. I ask my students who they are and learn about their experiences. I ask their parents who their children are to get to know them better. I tailor my lessons around the people who are in my room. By tapping into the experiences and expertise of my students,” Bailey was able to decenter the white, Eurocentric curriculum that drives most classrooms in the United States and begin to highlight the diverse cultural voices represented in a democracy.
Bethany Reilly, early childhood and elementary special education teacher, used her voice and shifted the cultural landscape to expand her classroom beyond the neurotypical student experience. Creating a culture of inclusivity, she actively engaged her efforts in Project Au-Some where she realized that by “providing exposure we can do great things, but it doesn’t end there. Exposure isn’t enough. We leverage this amazing opportunity to actually teach students about disabilities and diversity within those experiences.” The critical aspect of cultural shifts is acknowledging the time needed to earnestly affect ingrained behaviors and alter long held and unexamined beliefs. Project Au-Some addresses this barrier to creating a culture for democracy in that it spans multiple grade levels and instructs students “that they have the power to change lives and understand that their words and actions have lasting meaning.” Her statement holds true for students and teachers alike and addresses the second pillar of advancing democracy.
Practices of Nurturing Pedagogy
Teaching content knowledge couched in compassion for students’ cultural diversity comprises the basis of the third pillar of advancing democracy, and Brandy Meyers, fourth/fifth grade teacher, tackled this task with her TED Talks assignment. These powerful and highly personal student creations enabled Brandy to address mandated state standards and more importantly to increase student engagement since they “had the opportunity to authentically learn from one another. I watched the students in my classroom shift from shock to understanding and empathy.” This narrative provides further evidence (Aronson & Laughter, 2016; Celik, 2019; Jennings, 2018) that grounding curriculum in principles of equity and justice do not detract from the delivery of content knowledge but rather increase effectiveness through student commitment to the work in and out of class.
Stephanie Bailey’s voice also spoke to the third pillar when her narrative questioned: “What could I do as a science teacher?” Her answer to, “teach science framed around social justice,” definitively sought to make field specific, standards-based knowledge culturally relevant. Her curriculum decision to use studentcentered inquiry as the starting point for units resulted in molecule lessons on food deserts, coastal environment lessons on Gullah peoples, and DNA modeling lessons on academic property theft and the Innocence Project. And again, classroom engagement was positively impacted with students experiencing the power of being involved in the democratic process.
Showcasing Stewardship
As educators, we are all entrusted to the careful and responsible guidance of the students with whom we work and this stewardship, the basis of pillar four for advancing democracy, is evident in Bethany Reilly’s Project Au-some. The magnitude of this work not only reminded teachers to promote opportunities for learning but also had profound consequence on elementary and emerging middle level students: “While I worked hard to ensure students had opportunities to build and grow themselves, I also realized through listening that this could become much more than we ever imagined. We discovered by teaching about behaviors and reflecting on their experiences, it has empowered the fifth graders to lead.” The project instilled a sense of citizenship and responsibility for others and fully developed the students’ sense of responsibility to sustain a state of democracy.
In the role of steward, Matherine Dixon spent her career guiding and supporting the improvement of learning conditions for students in her position as teacher and currently as literacy coach. Her narrative expressed this agenda as she stated, “I taught my students to be lifelong learners and conditioned myself to do the same. Each time change reintroduced itself, I embraced it. After all, it was an opportunity to learn something new.” Certainly, in her quest to meet the needs of all students using equity pedagogies for democracy, she continued to recognize the changing landscape to which teachers must be accountable. Experiencing racial equity battle fatigue, she later realized the importance of self-care for educators on this demanding journey (Acuff, 2018; Winters, 2020). She stated, “Change is a pathway for our journey. Respect it. Embrace it. Yes, there will be grief and mourning of at least an idea that we’ve nourished, so take the time to celebrate what once was, but don’t stay there.” As teachers change throughout their professional practices, a priority of being good stewards of the profession fundamentally means taking care of oneself first in order to effectively take care of others. Matherine’s call for personal change is echoed across the teacher narratives in this special issue as each of our contributors are shining examples of stewards of education for democracy. In its quest to sustain a culture of democracy, The National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER) supports the professional development of educators through the sharing of best practices intended to overcome limitations and barriers that prohibit the maintenance and evolution of justice in schools and communities. Furthermore, NNER acknowledges the role of teacher voice in school improvement and supports evidence that suggests teachers who voice their experiences and expertise are more invested in their careers, more likely to set and reach goals that positively impact education outcomes, and more likely to become leaders and create student leaders who influence the preservation of democracy (Kahlenberg & Potter, 2014; Quaglia & Lande, 2016). We hope these teachers’ voices inspire you to tap into your own voice as a source of professional development as you continue to teach for equity and excellence, create a culture in schools that supports democracy, and compassionately lead toward a just society.
Acuff, J. (2018). Confronting racial battle fatigue and comforting my blackness as an educator. Multicultural Perspectives, 20(3), 174-181.
Aronson, B., & Laughter, J. (2016). The theory and practice of culturally relevant education: A synthesis of research across content areas. Review of Educational Research, 86(1), 163-206.
Celik, S. (2019). Can differentiated instruction create an inclusive classroom with diverse learners in an elementary school setting. Journal of Education and Practice, 10(6), 31-40.
Goodlad, J. I., (1994). Educational renewal: Better teachers, better schools. Jossey-Bass.
Hammersley-Fletcher, L. Clarke, M. & McManus, V. (2018). Agonistic democracy and passionate professional development in teacher-leaders. Cambridge Journal of Education, 48(5), 591-606. DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2017.1378312
Haug, B. S., & Mork, S. M. (2021). Taking 21st century skills from vision to classroom: What teachers highlight as supportive professional development in the light of new demands from educational reforms, Teaching and Teacher Education, 100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103286
Jennings, P. A. (2018). The trauma-sensitive classroom: Building resilience with compassionate teaching. W.W. Norton & Company.
Kahlenberg, R. D., & Potter, H. (2014). Why Teacher Voice Matters. American Educator, 38(4), 6.
Liefshitz, I. A. (2020). The Learning of Teaching: A Portrait Composed of Teacher Voices. Harvard Educational Review, 90(3), 349–370. https://doi.org/10.17763/1943-5045-90.3.349 National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation (NCCPEP). (2021). Welcome to the Center. https://www.nccpep.org/
Quaglia, R. J., & Lande, L. L. (2016). Teacher voice: Amplifying success. Corwin Press.
Winters, M. (2020). Black fatigue: How racism erodes the mind, body, and spirit. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
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Rhonda Jeffries, Terrance McAdoo & Michele Myers of the UofSC College of Education (find more details about these professors at https://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/education/faculty-staff/
With teacher voice being a fundamental component of democracy, it is fitting that written teacher narratives, their perspectives through their stories, are featured in Education in a Democracy as professional development work supported by the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER).
Carolina Transition to Teaching: We’re Better Together
The Carolina Transition to Teaching Program, funded through a US DoE Teacher Quality Partnership grant, is a 14-month residency graduate program designed for professionals who hold an undergraduate degree in a field other than education. While pursuing their Master of Education in Teaching in the College of Education at the University of South Carolina, Transition to Teaching residents are supported by university and district coaches as they experience the life of a teacher through year-long placements within schools in rural communities in South Carolina.
Wherever we go, whatever we do
We’re gonna go through it together
We may not go far, bur sure as a star
Wherever we are, it’s together.(“Together Wherever We Go,” Songwriters: Julie Styne/Stephen Sondheim, from the musical play Gypsy)
“Let’s do this together,” Amy said, “We can work on it together and we can be teachers together!” My decision to pursue a career in education was instantly reignited after some 30 years laying dormant. Dormant in the box of things that I wanted to do for myself. The opportunity presented itself in one word: together. A word I learned to spell in third grade: to-get-her. One of my teachers, Mrs. Mathis, impacted me as a learner in ways I would not realize for many years to come. A teacher who recognized me as smart, instead of as just a pretty little girl.
Whom might I impact?
I was working in what I thought was my dream job. A position in my degree area (finally!) after some 28 years of retail management. But I was isolated in my office in April of 2020 during COVID 19–no family, no retirement plan, 52, and alone.
The word together resonated. I wanted to be part of something that had a larger purpose. So, I applied to the Carolina Transition to Teaching Program. I imagined my transcripts buried in a basement at the College of Charleston. I waited, and my friend Amy, who I was hoping to do this “together” with, continued to repeatedly email the representative to ensure we had all the required information complete for our application.
Then we received the news. We were accepted! We were beginning our journey to become teachers, together, and receive our master’s degree from the University of SC. When we successfully completed the program, we would receive a position as a teacher with either the Colleton County School Districtor the Orangeburg School District, together.
Our next step was to meet the rest of our cohort, professors, and the other residents in the program. Due to COVID-19 we began our process together virtually in July of 2020. My first day of summer institute I was extremely nervous. I was the only resident out of 15 who had never worked in a school setting. I remember thinking: what have I done? I’m definitely not ready to give up my current job as an Executive Director just yet. But here I was together in a virtual classroom, one of 18 boxes on the computer screen. My journey personified what it is to transition to teaching.
Within three days of the summer institute I realized my value: I was already a leader, I was accustomed to accomplishing goals, and I had experience in dealing with customers and employees (that could transfer to building relationships with families and colleagues). I drew many parallels between my current work and my future work. I realized that while I needed to learn the process of how to be a teacher, my skill set was strong. We learned our cohort will be together for the better part of three years even though the program itself is 15 months. Together we will achieve the goal of transitioning to teaching. Together we will support each other in the Praxis and certification process. Together we will support each other in the classroom. We will learn with our co-teachers and our students together. I was not alone.
Together we will support each other in the classroom. We will learn with our co-teachers and our students together. I was not alone.
As part of our coursework in the Fall of 2020, two other residents and I were assigned an inquiry research project. The three were already in the same elementary school and we were able to meet, collaborate, and divide the tasks associated with our class project for our Masters Degree. During the day we met to discuss our research, compare notes, and complete our research project, together. Throughout this cohort our ability to ask for help from professors, advisors, peers, and co-teachers has been a real asset in navigating these unchartered territories.
Together we helped each other learn to teach virtually. Together we developed computer skills and proficiency in new tools.
The opportunity to achieve a Masters Degree in Education while being immersed in the classroom at the same time has given me a real life glimpse at what my own classroom will look like in the Fall of 2021. I will be able to apply the skills I have learned not only in my coursework, but also the real life scenarios that I have been able to be a part of in the classroom. In the beginning of the school year the classroom reminded me of a laboratory. Just like in Chemistry, I am learning the “pedagogy” (a teacher word) of teaching and then exercising it in the classroom the next day. We are able to experiment with the strategies we are learning in our coursework and practice these strategies in real-time. This environment allows aspiring teachers to gain meaningful experience in a classroom without being alone; my co-teacher serves as a “lab partner.” Many times when I am teaching, I turn to my co-teacher and receive coaching in the moment. This type of coaching is valuable because it provides a safe and supportive environment in which to take risks and try new things. Also, this type of “in the moment” coaching can provide feedback that can be received and applied immediately. The co-teaching model allows me to learn and observe together with the classroom teacher and the students. The students in the classroom play a vital role in the learning experience that is Carolina Transition to Teaching. And the school administration treats us as a part of the team, which is a valuable skill set to learn as a new teacher. I feel confident being assigned to any elementary school in the Fall of 2021 knowing l have a solid skill set to navigate my first year as a teacher.
If you are looking to fulfill a dream and launch a career in teaching but aren’t sure how to get there…you do not have to do it alone.
If you are looking to fulfill a dream and launch a career in teaching but aren’t sure how to get there…you do not have to do it alone.Through Carolina Transition to Teaching I have learned the art and science of teaching is something you cannot do alone. That is not how it works. It only works when teachers, students, parents, administrators, professors, advisors, mentor teachers, teacher assistants, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and the entire school community do it…TOGETHER.
This story is published as part of a storytelling retreat hosted by the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) housed in the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. CEP partners nominated practicing educators, administrators, and system leaders to share their stories. The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), a CEP partner, facilitated the retreat and provided editorial and publication support. Learn more about this work and read additional stories by following @CEP_UofSC and @teachingquality.
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Kristin Mumford
Kristin Mumford is currently a resident in Carolina Transition to Teaching. She earned a B.A. in Art History from the College of Charleston and has a 30-year career in Retail Management. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Education to become an Elementary Teacher. She plans to graduate from the University of SC in May of 2021 and begin her career in teaching in the Colleton County School District in August of 2021.
Takes One to Know One: How Empathy Made Me a Better Teacher
Have you ever had that dream that you were falling and couldn’t stop? That you had no control over what was coming next, and all you could do was hope for the best? I have. I’ve experienced this very sensation – while awake in a classroom.
In the summer of 2019, about 40 educators, including myself, gathered to map out strategies for student support and engagement for the 2019-2020 school year. To be one in the room was truly an honor for me. I was an instructional aide who had managed classes independently for four years. Yet, I sat there ignorant and afraid. I felt small in this incredibly large classroom of experienced educators.
In this room breathed hundreds of years of combined experience. In this room, fast-paced conversation spanning learning objectives and assessments (or alphabet soup to me) flew easily among colleagues. They may as well have been speaking a foreign language. I was mortified. I was afraid to ask questions for fear of using the wrong words and embarrassing myself in front of my peers. I was afraid to confirm what I assumed everyone in the room was already thinking: that I didn’t belong there. I wanted so much to be there. As independent as I had become, I was still aware of how indecision, anxiety, and fear plagued my twenties. A career path had seemed elusive until now. Here, I had finally found a place where I enjoyed working 40 hours a week – or so I thought. In that space on that warm June morning, I was no longer sure I had what it took to take on such meaningful, important work.
Like so many paraprofessionals, I had to decide: would I continue on my path as an instructional assistant, or would I work to earn a teaching certificate?
Like so many paraprofessionals, I had to decide: would I continue on my path as an instructional assistant, or would I work to earn a teaching certificate?
God knows I would welcome an increase in pay! But enrolling in a second Master’s program in my late thirties with a husband at home and two children to raise was a risk I had never imagined I’d be taking. How would we ever recover from all the student loan debt? What if I failed? Did I truly have what it takes to be a real teacher? Who would grocery shop, cook dinner, and make sure the girls had matching socks? I was overwhelmed with anxiety about the effect my decision could have on my family. But I was grieved at the thought of facing a future full of regret. In the end, my passion for learning got the better of me, and I’m so glad it did.
In the spring of 2020 – in the midst of a global pandemic no less – I took the leap and enrolled in an online Master’s program. Through a district partnership, I was afforded the opportunity to move toward certification, even with my busy schedule. I am in my tenth course right now – the home stretch.
I can feel my confidence growing as I learn the language of pedagogy. Now, I am self-assessing almost obsessively, mentally tracking data daily as I take account of every teaching success and failure throughout the workday. Opportunities abound thanks to my administrators’ belief that a job title has no bearing on an individual’s potential.
Because North Springs Elementary is a PDS school, our school community has access to anti-racist curricula and culturally relevant resources. This is significant, as something as simple as seeing one’s own culture represented in a storybook can build children’s confidence in ways some people can only imagine. It can be challenging for students of color to find motivation to read if they cannot relate to the stories being told. Research shows that picture books can prompt meaningful conversations about real-life situations. Our diverse population of students is able to relate to content because our educators are being trained to make the curriculum culturally relevant. Through professional development, personal storytelling, community building, and investment in resources, the Center for Educational Partnerships at UofSC is positively influencing a new generation of scholars who will enjoy learning because they can see how knowledge can impact their lives. They can see the big picture – and they’re in it!
In years past, I saw my age and excessive job history as cringeworthy. Now, I celebrate that seemingly haphazard past. My vulnerabilities have fostered in me an empathy for the child who seeks to understand but instead finds a struggle. I know that struggle. I also know there is something beautiful waiting on the other side of that struggle.
My vulnerabilities have fostered in me an empathy for the child who seeks to understand but instead finds a struggle. I know that struggle. I also know there is something beautiful waiting on the other side of that struggle.
As an educator, it is my responsibility to guide my students to the other side, encouraging them to value their own voices and talents as tools for the journey. I feel connected to students in a more meaningful way. I’ve been exactly where they are. I have sat in a room full of people and felt like everyone was singing a song I had never heard before. I have politely clapped along, hoping no one would notice. I now recognize that trepidation in my students. I am equipped to help them catch the rhythm of learning because I myself am catching the beat. The only differences between us are time and opportunity, two things there are plenty of when educators become advocates for their students.
This is the privilege and honor of teaching.
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Demetrius Williams
Demetrius Williams is an elementary school computer lab aide with five years of classroom experience. She holds a B.A. in journalism from the University of South Carolina and an M.A. in Communication from Grand Canyon University and hopes to soon boast a certification in Elementary Education. Demetrius aspires to use her experience and knowledge to improve relationships within our education system. She believes much can be gained through meaningful communication and lifelong learning. Demetrius resides in Columbia, South Carolina, with her husband and two daughters.
This story is published as part of a storytelling retreat hosted by the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) housed in the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. CEP partners nominated practicing educators, administrators, and system leaders to share their stories. The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), a CEP partner, facilitated the retreat and provided editorial and publication support. Learn more about this work and read additional stories by following @CEP_UofSC and @teachingquality.
Unpacking Problems? Invite Teachers to the Table
“Be brave, be kind, and be an includer.” These are the words that we say to our daughter and son each time we drop them off at their elementary school. This phrase is a reminder of the power they have to influence those around them in a positive manner and start a ripple of change.
In the fall of 2019, my school district, Richland One, asked me to participate in their Professional Learning Design Team facilitated by Mira Education. As a teacher, I always consider it an honor to represent my colleagues in a larger context. While I was excited to be asked, I was also nervous about the time commitment involved, as it would take me away from my students for multiple days. Also, teacher voices are not always included in broader decision making, so figuring out how to give an honest, productive perspective while being cognizant of this history felt like a mental and emotional hurdle.
As an institution, education has at times struggled with the inertia associated with change – we hold onto outdated practices because “We’ve always done it that way,” or we throw everything out and start over. Despite this history, I was optimistic about the prospect of learning a new practice and believed that to fully unpack an educational problem, teachers must have a seat at the table.
In the first session, the concept of micro-credentials was introduced and we discovered that along with representing every grade level within our district, the group of educators present had arrived with varying amounts of familiarity with the topic. Everything seemed straightforward and smooth: pick a micro-credential, complete it, and then return in the spring to discuss the process. The micro-credential I chose was “Cultivating a Shared Purpose.” I wanted to utilize my work as Science Department Chair to build a community with the teachers in my department. I knew increasing collegiality and collective problem solving would strengthen our support for one another and our students.
The shared purpose of identifying and meeting student needs in the classroom is one that would not only improve my instructional practices but those of my science colleagues as well. I worked to complete the required artifacts and was excited and relieved when I was awarded the micro-credential. I made notes about the process to share with the Professional Learning Design Team and believed the impact and reach of the experience would end there.
However, in the spring we returned for a two-day Design Team Retreat, and our discussions centered on the process of obtaining the micro-credential. This experience felt different.
Could we talk about struggles? Could we candidly convey our feelings about the process? The facilitators pushed for more specifics. “Be BRAVE,” I thought to myself.
I hesitated, and then asked, “Do you really want to know what we think? No one has asked that before. The space for that type of input hasn’t existed.” The Mira Education facilitator reminded us of what she told us at the beginning of our day: they were very impressed with the work of the Richland One educators who completed micro-credentials. Our work was thorough, thoughtful, and exemplary. Initially, we nodded and moved on, not fully processing nor embracing these commendations. But now, we were being met with what teachers long to hear: “Your perspectives are important and why we are gathered here.” The opportunity to BE KIND presented itself when the facilitators realized we were hesitant to share and paused to extend kindness and be intentional about the type of setting we were in – one of value, trust, shared experience, and expertise.
Then the breakthrough happened. We were open to the process they were guiding us through and chose to be vulnerable when we gave feedback. Educators shared why they chose certain micro-credentials, why they changed micro-credentials, what support they received, and what support they wished they had. Throughout this discussion, a theme of personalization emerged. The initial self-assessment and reflection required us to pick a micro-credential. The request for more time led to an extra workday provided by district leadership and supported by our administrators. The recognition of this need proved pivotal to most of the group, as it gave us the time and space for focused, intentional work. The facilitators were there to talk through concerns, and other educators were there to offer ideas and encouragement; this built a community of professionals with the goal of improving their craft. Our thoughts flowed about what worked for us, what was less effective, and what would help others engage in this process.
The retreat culminated in a “fishbowl” activity. While decision makers watched and listened, we were led through a series of questions that addressed successes, concerns, and allowed us to validate others while hearing ourselves be valued. The next steps included forming committees to discuss implementation and potential best practices and obstacles, while recognizing that professional development will always be an ongoing and iterative process.
So what is required of decision makers to replicate this type of personal professional learning? Be AN INCLUDER.
The shift Richland One made in the way district professional development has been presented this year has already moved toward giving teachers choice in their growth. These choices include self-paced sessions that present opportunities for technology exposure. Including educators in the decision-making process creates buy in, ownership, a sense of personal accomplishment, and ultimately authenticates the experience for others. How might having educators who experience these qualities impact teacher retention?
Being INCLUDED creates a pathway for educators to be BRAVE and KIND. Speaking for myself, being encouraged to be BRAVE in a KIND environment and being INCLUDED by Richland One among a diverse cohort of experts had a positive impact on how I view the future of my chosen profession.
At a time when schools, the profession, and our country is in crisis, personalized professional development can be a bright spot. There is much we cannot control; but teachers can control their professional growth and work toward the shared goals of the district community through personalized professional learning pathways like micro-credentials.
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Dottie Adams
Dottie Adams is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) with 20 years of classroom experience teaching science, math, and STEMrelated electives, all at the middle school level. Dottie has degrees in Early Childhood Education, Teaching Math and Science, and School Administration. She currently teaches 8th grade science at Hand Middle School in Richland County School District One in Columbia, SC, where she also serves as a Team Leader, Science Department Chair, Teacher Mentor and Evaluator.
This story is published as part of a storytelling retreat hosted by the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) housed in the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. CEP partners nominated practicing educators, administrators, and system leaders to share their stories. The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), a CEP partner, facilitated the retreat and provided editorial and publication support. Learn more about this work and read additional stories by following @CEP_UofSC and @teachingquality.
Life Didn't Come with a Map
We all remember the Robert Frost poem about two roads diverging in the woods. I’ve thought about that concept many times over the years. If Mr. Frost intended the woods as a metaphor for life, I think he got off pretty lucky. There sure have been a lot more than two roads in my woods. They didn’t come with a map or even a clear vision of where I wanted to go.
I was one of those people who just never found IT. I worked hard for a scholarship to college, had good jobs, met interesting people, and saw some beautiful places in the world. I just never found IT. That calling you are excited about — the one that makes the hours melt away. The one that lets you know you are home.
The roads of my life took me on a journey. Some of those roads I hope to never travel again. Some of those roads were scenic and led me closer to where I needed to be.
Through the years, I thought about teaching. I felt a pull toward it. I knew I loved to see the spark in children’s eyes when something really connected and their view of the world got a little bigger. I looked at alternative teacher certification programs like PACE and CREATE. I was always so busy with life that I didn’t want to take the long road before I could teach. I researched master’s degrees that would lead to teaching. But the time it would take for me to make the change felt like a barrier, and there was always a new road to travel, something else that took my energy and attention.
Roadblocks and changing course aren’t foreign to me. In my mid-twenties, my doctor informed me that I would likely never have children. Surprising even myself, the news didn’t devastate me. I somehow knew that children would come, that I would have the opportunity to love and be loved as a mother. One ordinary day, a phone call came from out of the blue that led to my little boy and girl, siblings that needed me as much as I needed them. Other roads led to the adoption of my young nephew. Later, two more sons were added by marriage. During the memorable trip known as “Turning 40” I was shocked to find that I was expecting the sweet baby girl that would be the final of my six children. Six children, more than I would have ever dreamed, added by love, loss, and being willing to take some new roads without a map.
I feel the need to share a little about those dark roads that I never wanted to travel. The story of my journey wouldn’t be complete without them. No matter how hard we plan, roadblocks and sometimes a difficult wreck are part of the trip.
My childhood was hard. My parents divorced while I was still very young and life was harsh with a mother who thought only about her needs. I grew up in a house where perfection was expected of me, but not rewarded. Anything less was a failure and punished as such. There were no idyllic, tender years, only adult-like responsibility and child-like restrictions. I have few happy memories of that time.
Somehow my early life was easier than the ultimate losses. The long illness and passing of my little sister and the sudden death of my baby brother at Christmas halted me in my tracks. The birth of the one child I was blessed to carry came during the beginnings of a divorce, just two short weeks before the death of my sister, and the sudden adoption of my seven-year-old nephew. Some mornings I longed to go back to sleep and escape the reality of my life. It was hard to draw breath with so much grief and responsibility.
Again, I found my strength and looked for a new road.
Then came the news of my oldest son. My sweet boy, forever tormented by his memories, had taken his own life, just as it was beginning. Children who lose their parents are called orphans. But there is no word for parents who lose their children. It’s too unbearable to name.
I share the losses and heartbreak only to say that we all have breathtakingly difficult times in life that stop us in our tracks. Sad, lonely, and dark roads that we hope to never travel again, but that are part of our journey nonetheless. They teach us hard lessons:
Protect the innocent.
Live every day you are given.
Don’t take your eyes off the road.
Remember them, honor them, but don’t let them be a place to permanently break down.
When I gave birth to my youngest, it wasn’t hard for me to leave the corporate world behind and enjoy those precious baby years at home. The day I registered her for preschool I knew it was time for a new journey. I wish I could say I signed up right away for graduate school or a teaching program. Instead, I took a family engagement position at my daughter’s school and proceeded to enjoy the next two years immersed in the school experience. Even in my small way, I felt like I was making an impact. The days passed quickly, and before I knew it I was moved to the district office to serve as interim secretary to the superintendent. The district office was a fast-paced world, but I loved working with the administrators and helping with the business of running a school district. I felt at home and put the idea of teaching out of my mind.
Just like the phone call that started me down the road to motherhood, a new path suddenly presented itself. Our school district made the decision to become a founding partner in the new Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP). Suddenly, there was the path I had been looking for all those years. A chance to teach and continue my education at the same time. I applied immediately but somehow felt like a roadblock would surely present itself. To my surprise, I was accepted into the inaugural class.
Then came the hard part.
Making the decision to finally take a journey I never thought I would take, leaving behind a job that I already loved, and taking a sharp turn into something brand new.
This time, I didn’t hesitate or fumble around looking for that elusive map. I remembered the hard lessons learned along the roads I’d traveled. This time, I took the road that led straight to becoming a teacher. I became a teacher during the worst possible year — during a worldwide pandemic. But it never slowed me down. I became not only a first-year classroom teacher, but also a virtual teacher, all while taking graduate classes through CarolinaCAP and continuing to raise my family.
I know that I have finally found the road to IT. The woods are finally getting a little clearer now and the storm has broken. I’ve got the windows rolled down and the wind is in my hair. And as far as those children I was told I would never have, I just added 61 sixth graders and my namesake first grandchild.
I can tell you for sure that my journey is not over.
The roads will continue to curve, and I might hit a roadblock or two. I still don’t have a map, but I’ve learned a few hard-earned travel tips:
Buckle up.
Don’t waste your chance.
Never stop moving forward.
Life is a difficult journey, but keep going. You might be just around the corner from the best part of the trip.
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Adadra Neville
Adadra Neville is a first year social studies teacher at Williston Elko Middle School. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, a member of the inaugural class of the Carolina Collaborative for Alternative Preparation (CarolinaCAP) and plans to continue her graduate studies in education. She is a Navy Blue Star Mother in memory of her late son Evan. She lives in her hometown of Williston, SC where she serves as a town councilwoman. Her family, with husband Ronnie, continues to grow with the recent addition of their first grandchild, Alice Lin.
When Does the Magic Happen?
Blue dress with white stripes. White cardigan. New sandals with sparkling jewels. I knew I couldn’t wear my normal everyday attire of jeans and flip flops. I was meeting the teachers and district personnel that I would be working with in my new position as a 4K Behavior Coach for School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties in Irmo, South Carolina. The district had launched implementation of the Pyramid Model with Dr. Kate Ascetta from the University of South Carolina as part of the Professional Development School District work. This led to the creation of a new position for a coach that would support classroom teachers as they began putting the Pyramid Model into practice in classrooms.
This is where I enter the story.
The teachers and district personnel were being trained on a tool used to measure the implementation of Pyramid Model practices in preschool classrooms. I was told that teachers had a year of Pyramid Model learning under their belt and the district was ready to hit the ground running. I was looking forward to rich conversations during the training about how the practices might take shape in their classrooms. I was also eager to help talk through any problem scenarios that may arise while planning.
The training was taking place at the middle school I attended. Memories came flooding back as I walked from the front office toward the cafeteria to the elevator at the bottom floor. As a student, I didn’t even know the school had an elevator. The closer I got to the room, the more nervous I became. Just like the trainer, I would not know anyone in the room. I took a deep breath and walked in. I saw one familiar face, the trainer, my coach from the University of Florida, and immediately felt a sense of relief.
As the training began, we went around the room and introduced ourselves. It was overwhelming trying to keep the names, faces, and schools together. When it was my turn to introduce myself, I thought everyone would look excited to meet me. After all, we were about to embark on an incredible journey, learning and growing together.
I did not receive the warm reception I anticipated. I was greeted with a mix of blank and angry stares. I would come to understand the reasons for this reception later in the school year.
As the morning progressed and the trainer unpacked the key practices that were part of the observation, the mood in the room was shifting. The jovial side conversations stopped. They were replaced with whispered comments, frowns, and confused looks. I scanned the room and realized that every table had fallen quiet and looked as though they were hearing this information for the first time. When we broke for lunch, the trainer and I left together. I looked across the table and asked, “Do you get the feeling that the teachers are acting like they do not know what the Pyramid Model is or what the TPOT is used for?” “You’ve got your work cut out for you,” was the trainer’s response. This was the beginning of a hard year full of hurdles and roadblocks. One of the hardest days was when two teachers had a conversation about how stupid this was and claimed they would just keep doing whatever they wanted to do regardless of what that coach or the district says.
That coach was me.
As the year progressed, I began to understand the source of the negative feelings. The message about the Pyramid Model and the coaching that we would be doing was announced to principals, who were then charged with disseminating that information to their 4K teachers. Each school’s administrator heard the message differently and shared the message differently with teachers.
We ended up with 12 teachers all thinking different things were going to happen, one coach thinking the teachers were much further down the road in their knowledge of the Pyramid Model, and a group of district personnel who were unaware that the lack of clarity and communication directly with teachers was causing the vision of Pyramid Model implementation to crack.
I knew my initial plan was not going to work. I needed to reevaluate everything. I felt the only way to “fix” things was to go back to the beginning and restart. Restarts are not easy because usually the damage has already been done during the initial start. I was hoping that the damage was minimal.
I was wrong… again.
Teachers were frustrated that they were being ‘evaluated’ on their implementation of practices they felt they did not even know… I decided I needed to take the focus off of the observation tool and start focusing solely on the teaching practices that were important to the teachers to implement.
Teachers were frustrated that they were being ‘evaluated’ on their implementation of practices they felt they did not even know. Many attempts were made to emphasize that the observation tool was not an evaluation but an observation geared toward two things: guiding myself to know how to provide the best support to teachers in growth areas, and guiding professional development efforts in the district based on areas of improvement districtwide. But the only thing teachers saw was that there was a score at the end and anything less than perfection was not acceptable. The score was becoming the focus for everyone, when in reality the focus needed to be on teaching practices.
I decided I needed to take the focus off of the observation tool and focus solely on the teaching practices that were important to teachers. In doing this, we started building relationships and talking more openly. The teachers began to see I was there to support their needs, not coming in to tell them what they needed to be doing instead. Teachers started identifying areas in their classroom where Pyramid Model practices might accelerate learning, and together, we worked toward implementation.
During this time, teachers opened up. One group of teachers said they were led to believe this was strictly a parenting program and that my role was to help facilitate incorporating the parenting program into the overall 4K program. One group of teachers was told that I was coming to evaluate the children’s behavior and “fix” it. One teacher even said “I did not know you were coming to watch me. I thought you were here to watch the kids. I feel like I was lied to.”
It all started to make sense. From the top, they believed that the message was delivered clearly about what was going to happen. In actuality it became a game of telephone, where one person whispers the phrase and the message shifts as it travels down the chain of listeners. Without fail, the message is always extremely different from the first person to the last.
It became evident that in order for this process to work, we needed to start communicating directly with teachers. We needed to be as clear as possible about our ideas and the vision for implementation.
It became evident that in order for this process to work, we needed to start communicating directly with teachers. We needed to be as clear as possible about our ideas and the vision for implementation.
We asked for more teacher input and we consulted groups of teachers about ideas to get a feel for what they thought before introducing ideas to the whole group. I started highlighting the great things that were already happening in classrooms around Pyramid Model practices and giving weekly shoutouts to each teacher, which included their administrators, so they could see their hard work and celebrate together. We started having more meetings with administrators, openly sharing the information that teachers were hearing and discussing how it would look in the classroom when teachers were engaging in the teaching practices. It began to feel like a team effort, where everyone was finally on the same page, in the same chapter, in the same book.
Then, it happened. A teacher ran up to me when I came to her classroom — ecstatic!
She had been working with students on the steps of problem solving using the solution kit to address common social problems. She read a scripted story with her class, introduced the solutions and what each would look like in action, and set up an area in her classroom where students could find materials when they needed them. This took about a month to put in place. We worked together to get the materials ready and I coached her through introducing the story and solutions, providing side by side support as she modeled for students.
One of her students struggled with sharing toys with her classmates. She would regularly lash out when she wanted a toy that was not available. The day before I came, she wanted to play with some of the materials in the house area that were already being used by another child. She stood in the house area for a moment, watching the other child. Instead of lashing out, screaming and ripping the toys away, she walked over to the problem solving steps. She looked intently at the pictures, then picked up the solution kit. She flipped through the pictures and stopped on one. She walked over to the teacher and showed her “Get A Timer.” She said, “I want to play with those toys but someone is using them. Can we set a timer so I can have a turn?”
I was just as ecstatic as the classroom teacher. I was even more ecstatic when I got to see several of her students using the problem solving steps and solutions kit throughout the day. They were doing it! And the teacher was noticing positive changes in her students as they became more proficient in using the language and solutions. She thanked me at the end of the day. But I reminded her she was responsible for the successful implementation and I was just there to support her along the journey.
In the beginning, as teacher leaders and administrators, we were laying tracks without looking at where the train was going and the final destination. Now, we are moving along together with a shared understanding of the purpose of implementing Pyramid Model practices, which has led to an increase in teacher buy-in.
Today, teachers are asking questions, seeking out support, and implementing the teaching practices on a more consistent basis. One teacher stopped someone from the district and said that she has been working to increase the positive descriptive feedback she gives her children during center time. She shared that student engagement has never been better.
When teachers buy in, that’s when the magic happens.
This story is published as part of a storytelling retreat hosted by the Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP) housed in the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. CEP partners nominated practicing educators, administrators, and system leaders to share their stories. The Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), a CEP partner, facilitated the retreat and provided editorial and publication support. Learn more about this work and read additional stories by following @CEP_UofSC and @teachingquality.
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Carrie Trivedi
Carrie Trivedi currently serves as the Lead Behavior Specialist for Mix-EC: Multi Systems Inclusion Expansion in Early Childhood through the Yvonne and Schyler Moore Child Development Research Center at the University of South Carolina, College of Education. Previously, Carrie worked with School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties as a 4K Behavior Coach. She is a proud graduate of the University of South Carolina, earning both a bachelor’s in Experimental Psychology and a master’s in Early Childhood Education. She resides in Chapin, South Carolina with her husband and two daughters.
The Power is in the Process: Solving Adaptive Challenges in a Technical World
How many times have you said the power is in the process but you wished the process could be shortened, skipped, or even ignored? If you walked into my classroom years ago or into my cubicle today, you would find a sign that reads: “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” We say there is power in the process; however, often we do not embrace a mindset to match this belief. A place worth going is one where those closest to the learning are the ones leading the work. That’s what the Collective Leadership Initiative (CLI) is all about. In order to create sustainable change some technical work is required; however, it’s the adaptive shifts that allow change to take place. (See this video to learn more about technical vs. adaptive challenges). As lead of the South Carolina Collective Leadership Initiative, I found myself struggling to make it all continue as initially designed during a pandemic:
This story is about the constant struggle working in a technical culture when the challenges require
adaptive work. The pandemic we are experiencing provides the opportunity for me, as well as the
Collective Leadership Initiative, to model adaptive work and create adaptive solutions. I identified three
obstacles as I struggled to sustain the collective leadership work for the cohorts:
- We work in a technical culture;
- There is an inability to recognize that technical solutions cannot solve adaptive challenges; and
- There is reluctance to be authentically adaptive with session delivery and planning for our work.
Collective leadership is the powerful process that provides the opportunity to shift our mindset to adaptive work when solving challenges. In order to tackle these obstacles, I modeled being adaptive by taking risks and being transparent so that our collective leadership school teams could do the same.
Taking Risks
The activities that are turning out to have the greatest impact on our work and learning are the ones that require taking risks. Trying something based on what cohort participants need or based on what educators in our schools say is a need is powerful — even if it fails and we have to regroup.
For example, I had to let go of the planned agenda for each cohort and every module designed for fullday, face-to-face delivery. I had to ask myself if another plan was feasible while maintaining the integrity of the work. There was the looming risk of the schools in our cohorts deciding not to participate or limiting engagement. I took these concerns to the experts, team members of our collective leadership schools, and listened. With the help of our CTQ partners, we transformed all agendas and modules and adapted to two short webinars versus an all-day face-to-face session. We monitored the revised agenda and shortened the webinar even more after collecting feedback from the first module. I learned that I had to embrace what I have always told educators: “less is more.” And, this does not have to mean the key outcome is compromised. Being clear, concise, and letting go was a risk worth taking and modeling.
Being clear, concise, and letting go was a risk worth taking and modeling.
Listening, acting, and being intentionally transparent takes time and is an example of adaptive work. Activities that require growing and transforming using adaptive solutions for adaptive challenges impact our practices. In the process of modeling adaptive work there have been many growth opportunities. We had the opportunity to model what collective leadership is all about. We had the opportunity to “walk” the belief that adaptive shifts, if realized, will impact the adaptive work. We had the opportunity to model what working in a state of ambiguity looks and feels like. Most importantly, we had the opportunity to lead collectively with South Carolina educators who openly embraced messy, adaptive work with the support of SCDE and CTQ. We took a risk and the reward was great. More educators participated and stayed engaged longer than anticipated.
We continue to take risks and work in a space with no clear answers. We model a willingness to work against traditional ways of operating. In taking these risks, we transform the work and discover challenges and solutions collectively. While the pandemic surfaced the struggles of living in a technical culture, it also opened up opportunities to do things differently.
Where might I model a mind shift?
I chose to model transparency. As a result, our collective leadership schools modeled and mirrored transparency. The risks were shared in this reciprocal process.
I was transparent and vulnerable when I shared with the cohorts that I did not know how the modules would look or be structured, but I assured the schools that I would focus on their needs and be collective and collaborative in our work together. Their need to leverage collective leadership for the here and now replaced any pre-planned agenda. I remember sharing the transformed plan with a cohort and even reshaping the next module in real time as they communicated what they needed for our next engagement.
Cutting out, cutting back and being clear has served to transform and strengthen the power of the process.
A turning point in this story was when we modeled letting go of traditional ways of collective leadership to adapt to our cohort schools’ needs. We did not need to plan for our virtual sessions to be an exact replica of our face-to-face sessions. Cutting out, cutting back, and being clear has served to transform and strengthen the power of the process. Being really clear on identifying the adaptive challenges allowed us to leverage the adaptive, collective process to solve them.
Based on these lessons learned, risk-taking and transparency will continue to guide the Collective Leadership Initiative. The process of identifying adaptive challenges and then collectively seeking adaptive solutions is key to sustaining the work. This has now become the “default” mindset in collectively-led schools.
The power is still in the process. I believe not only are there no shortcuts to any challenge worth solving, but there is no way to approach adaptive challenges apart from adaptive solutions. Anything short of this kind of process will not effectively transform our system, our schools, and our districts.
The work is hard and slow.
Technical challenges are temporary. Adaptive solutions are enduring.
Composition of CLI in 2020
- Three cohorts
- 26 schools
- More than 125 collective leadership team participants
- 12, seven-hour, face-to-face days planned and ready to execute for 2020-21
Do I forge ahead with all the technical pieces in place? Or do I model collective leadership as adaptive work and a powerful, messy process?
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Libby J. Ortmann
Libby J. Ortmann is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) with more than 30 years of experience in education. Libby earned both her B.A. and M.Ed from the University of South Carolina. She previously served as a middle school teacher, curriculum coach, and lead instructor for the state’s alternative certification program. Currently, Libby is an Education Associate leading South Carolina’s Collective Leadership Initiative.